When you buy a helmet, you have a big chance of paying for the EPS inside the shell. Is EPS an important material in helmet construction?

Firstly, let’s find out what is EPS. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a crushable foam, widely used in helmet liners (and other energy management applications like automobile bumpers). EPS is sometimes called “Styrofoam”, though that particular name actually refers to a single trademarked brand of EPS. Helmet impact performance is assured with the using of this excellent shock-absorbing material.

So, now you know EPS is quite important. Then, is there any difference in EPS? The answer is definitely YES, there are helmets with all kinds of prices, then you may imagine they are made with different grades material including EPS.

Today, we are going to show you two kinds of EPS. The first one is AURORA helmets using Polysource brand EPS, which is USA imported. Polysource has manufactured color EPS (expandable polystyrene) resin and specialty EPS co-polymers for over 25 years. Polysource EPS material is light, strong, durable and amazingly versatile. It has taken EPS to the highest level. With such excellent raw material, there is no doubt AURORA helmets quality is among the best!

While, to make the helmet cheaper, there are lots of domestic suppliers of EPS. Some of them are even recycled. These material are far behind the imported material that we are using especially in impact performance. These may look very similar to high-quality ones in the final products, but the helmet with these beads inside may couldn’t pass the testing at all.

In conclusion, good EPS material helps to build a great protection! Choose a qualified manufacturer maybe always right to keep the risk away. AURORA will always adhere to our guiding thought that Quality is everything!

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